Thursday, August 11, 2011

Learning More about the Electric Cars and their Power

The adoption of electric cars has been a bit slow in the past decades because of the limitation of technology. But for the past few years, car manufacturers have been pushing for hybrid (gasoline/diesel with electricity) and eventually moving to pure electric vehicles. Along with the increasing number of electric cars is the improving technology in battery efficiency.

Number One Challenge: Charging Efficiency

The biggest problem facing electric cars is charging efficiency. While it costs a lot less than gasoline and diesel, charging a car 10 years ago could take days before it could have a decent run. Today, the development of efficient batteries with powerful car design means charging a car to its full capacity will only take hours. Car manufacturers are also developing charging stations for home use and even commercial use so that electric car owners can easily recharge their vehicles anywhere.

Powerful Electric Cars

The development of electric cars is not only limited on practical transportation. There are also car manufacturers that are pushing for electric sports cars that can easily rival some of the best gasoline-powered cars today. The most popular is the Tesla Roadster with mileage of up to 393kms and the capacity to maintain up to 201kph. The latest model is the 2.5 version that comes with significant improvement on the design.

Another powerful electric car is the Artega SE with mileage of up to 124 miles and speed of up to 155mph and the manufacturer claims that the full charge only requires 90 minutes. There’s also the Lighting GT with mileage capacity of up to 200 miles in a 10 minute-charge.


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