Sunday, January 06, 2008

The cheapest car in the world!

A recent Indian invention signals the creation of a niche market in a relatively saturated car industry.

It is about the ''cheapest car'' in the world which is said that aims at the 65 millions Indian Scooter riders who are currently unable to afford a car purchase. The so-called ''one lakh'' car- manufactured by the Indian automobile company Tata- will being unveiled in the following week at the Delhi Auto Expo and it costs £1,280. As far as the technical part is concerned, the new ''people's car'' has an engine of less than a litre capable of producing only 30 horsepower. Consequently, considering the price in conjunction with the characteristics of the car it could be considered as a purchase with good value for money.

Yet, though this Indian creature seems to be a pionnering concept, Americans first appeared to induce in their market the well-known Henry Fords Model T targeting to the same segment of their country.

I think that it's time for motorcycle riders to stop worrying about their next warm riding uniform.


Do you know if it's coming in the UK any time soon?

In relevant press releases the only information given is about the high numbers of orders in India and other countries including the UK. Not clear information about its arrival though.

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